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- /* ========================================================================== **
- * ubi_sample.c
- * ========================================================================== **
- * Written by Chris Hertel.
- * ========================================================================== **
- *
- * $Log: ubi_sample.c,v $
- * Revision 0.2 1997/07/26 05:03:37 crh
- * Added code to print the module information.
- *
- * Revision 0.1 1997/06/03 04:38:45 crh
- * Initial Revision.
- *
- *
- * ========================================================================== **
- */
- #include <stdio.h> /* Standard I/O. */
- #include <string.h> /* String functions. */
- #include <stdlib.h> /* Standard C library header. */
- #include <errno.h> /* Error handling. */
- /* Note: Only one of the headers below should be included. Comment out all
- * but one. This determines which type of tree balancing you are using.
- */
- /*#include "ubi_BinTree.h" /* Binary tree module. */
- #include "ubi_AVLtree.h" /* AVL tree module. */
- /*#include "ubi_SplayTree.h" /* Splay tree module. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Constants...
- *
- * Just some numbers we need.
- */
- #define NAMESIZE 240
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Typedefs...
- *
- * Note: ulong is an unsigned long, oolong is a tea.
- *
- * SampleRec - This is the sample data record with which we will be
- * playing. It starts with a ubi_trNode structure (so that
- * the tree functions can fiddle with it), the rest is data.
- * In this case, we're just using a fixed-length character
- * array. In a "real" program, you could have all sorts
- * of stuff.
- * SampleRecPtr - A pointer to a SampleRec.
- */
- typedef unsigned long ulong;
- typedef struct {
- ubi_trNode Node;
- char Name[NAMESIZE];
- } SampleRec;
- typedef SampleRec *SampleRecPtr;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Global Variables...
- *
- * We'll declare our tree header globally. The structure is called a
- * ubi_trRoot, but it's really a housekeeping header with a pointer to the
- * tree's root node.
- *
- * Root - The tree header.
- * RootPtr - A pointer to the tree header.
- */
- static ubi_trRoot Root;
- static ubi_trRootPtr RootPtr = &Root;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
- * Functions...
- */
- static int CompareFunc( ubi_trItemPtr ItemPtr, ubi_trNodePtr NodePtr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * If we are going to sort the data, we will need to be able to compare the
- * data. That's what this function does. A pointer to this function will
- * be stored in the tree header.
- *
- * Input: ItemPtr - A pointer to the comparison data record.
- * Take a look at the Insert(), Find() and Locate()
- * functions. They all take a parameter of type
- * ubi_trItemPtr. This is a pointer to the data to be
- * compared. In Find() and Locate(), it's a value that
- * you want to find within the tree. In Insert() it's
- * a pointer to the part of the new node that contains
- * the data to be compared.
- * NodePtr - This is a pointer to a node in the tree.
- * Output: An integer in one of three ranges:
- * < 0 indicates ItemPtr < (the data contained in) NodePtr
- * = 0 indicates ItemPtr = (the data contained in) NodePtr
- * > 0 indicates ItemPtr > (the data contained in) NodePtr
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- char *A, *B;
- A = (char *)ItemPtr; /* Find the comparison data indicated
- * by ItemPtr. In our case, the data
- * is a string, and ItemPtr already
- * points to it. We simply typecast
- * ItemPtr to the correct pointer type.
- * This is typically what you would
- * need to do.
- */
- B = ((SampleRecPtr)NodePtr)->Name; /* Find the data connected to the node
- * that is in the tree. Remember that
- * this function gets a pointer to the
- * ubi_trNode structure. Convert the
- * Node pointer to a pointer to our
- * record type, then find the data item
- * within that node.
- */
- return( strcmp( A, B ) ); /* Now compare and return the result. */
- } /* CompareFunc */
- static void PrintNode( ubi_trNodePtr NodePtr, void *Userdata )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Print out the contents of a record stored in the tree.
- * Input: NodePtr - A pointer to the Node structure part of a record.
- * UserData - In this program, we're using this to pass in a
- * a pointer to an integer.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- SampleRecPtr RecPtr;
- int *IntPtr;
- RecPtr = (SampleRecPtr)NodePtr; /* RecPtr now points to the entire record. */
- IntPtr = (int *)Userdata; /* IntPtr points to the integer. */
- (*IntPtr)++; /* Increment the integer indicated via Userdata. */
- (void)printf( "%d: %s\n", *IntPtr, RecPtr->Name );
- } /* PrintNode */
- static void KillNode( ubi_trNodePtr NodePtr )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Free the memory associated with a node (free the entire record).
- * Input: NodePtr - A pointer to a node in the tree.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- /* This could be very complicated if your data portion includes pointers to
- * all sorts of other allocated memory. In our case, it's quite simple.
- */
- free( NodePtr );
- } /* KillNode */
- int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- * Program main line.
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
- */
- {
- char s[1024];
- SampleRecPtr RecPtr;
- int i;
- char *ModInfo[2];
- for( i = ubi_trModuleID( 2, ModInfo ); i > 0; )
- (void)printf( "%s", ModInfo[--i] );
- (void)ubi_trInitTree( RootPtr, /* Pointer to the tree header */
- CompareFunc, /* Pointer to the comparison function. */
- 0 ); /* Don't allow overwrites or duplicates.*/
- /* See the Insert() notes in BinTree.h. */
- (void)printf( "Input string (blank line to exit)> " );
- while( gets( s ) && strlen(s) )
- {
- /* Allocate a new node to be added to the tree. */
- RecPtr = (SampleRecPtr)malloc( sizeof(SampleRec) );
- if( !RecPtr )
- {
- perror( "main" );
- exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
- }
- /* Copy the new data into the record. */
- s[NAMESIZE-1] = '\0'; /* Make sure the string is short enough.*/
- (void)strcpy( RecPtr->Name, s ); /* Copy the string into our new record. */
- /* Add the record to the tree. */
- if( !ubi_trInsert( RootPtr, /* To which tree are we adding this? */
- RecPtr, /* The new node to be added. */
- RecPtr->Name, /* Points to the comparison field. */
- NULL ) /* Overwrites are not allowed. */
- )
- {
- (void)fprintf( stderr, "Error: Duplicate key. Record not added.\n" );
- free( RecPtr );
- }
- (void)printf( "Input string (blank line to exit)> " );
- }
- /* Now that the tree is full, dump it in sorted order. */
- i = 0;
- (void)ubi_trTraverse( RootPtr, /* Tree root pointer. */
- PrintNode, /* Pointer to function that prints out
- * record contents.
- */
- &i ); /* Userdata is typically not needed.
- * This is an example of what you can
- * do with it.
- */
- (void)printf( "A total of %d records found.\n", i );
- /* Now free all nodes in the tree. */
- (void)ubi_trKillTree( RootPtr, /* Tree root pointer. */
- KillNode ); /* Function that frees the node. */
- return( EXIT_SUCCESS );
- } /* main */
- /* ========================================================================== */